Wednesday 27 July 2011

Developed Design

Main addition to this design is the wood panelling. Rather than making the set look like a sauna or something James May would design, im going for modern walnut coloured panels. Ill post reference photos above. Combined with the futuristic lighting on the buttresses and then the addition of rugs etc, it has that "doesn't know what it wants to be" feel we have talked about. Also adds to the minimalist look described in the script.

Remember these designs may feel very clinical/white but once we have aged areas, added photos/logos/stickers etc it will look much better.

Rather than these just being panels they can act as lockers for the crew. The panel on the floor gives the idea that there is a shaft making the whole shuttle feel larger.

Monday 25 July 2011


Based on the floorplan detailed previously, this is a 3d mock up of the layout. The open rooms for the control centre and quarters would probably be redressed.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Early Floorplan

With the workshop needing to know some details about the set i've done this temporary floorplan based on the second draft of the script. More work will be going into this over the next week so we can start firming up major construction elements. Excuse the roughness of this drawing, didn't have time for autocad!

Wednesday 20 July 2011

New Design Idea

The newest design for the set is below and overall i am much happier with. There are a number of alterations to the original designs. Firstly the kitchen area has been reduced, and now incorporates shelving which would store meals. Having a sink/fully working kitchen would not be practical on a shuttle. The meals would be self contained and then thrown away and recycled. Therefore doing away with plates etc. The same idea was used in Moon but i will have a think about how to do something a little different.

Secondly the control station has been moved into the overall communal area. This will be separated by a partition of some kind so it can be closed over from the communal space. The control station is sparce in this design but will be looked at once the overall design has been confirmed. 

The interior buttresses are also now overhead. Whether this is practical i don't know. I have also run a panel across the top which could be used for lighting. This is something that needs discussing further as to whether it would be safe/affordable/do-able.

The corridor is now at the side of the design. This is something i wanted to try in order to have the control room present in the main structure. I'm aware this moves away slightly from the tube shaped station described in the script but its something to have a think about. This corridor would obviously lead to the storage area. I think this area would have to be constructed separately from the communal area.

I have included a seating area and a design for the main door at the other end. This seating area would be the recreation area. My idea for the blank parts of wall would be to have panels that look like they would open. I will obviously include a number of screens around the set. Although having working screens would be nice, there is one way of simulating screens. By having plexiglass panels cut and then mounted a clear vinyl sticker placed behind them would give the impression of a screen. Again these are the things that the extra money in the budget would allow us to do.

New Set Design Wireframe

New Set Design

Tuesday 5 July 2011

More Set Design Ideas

Focusing mainly on the space and dimensions, i've given the area a narrower feel but still incorporating the kitchen area of previous designs. I like the idea of a sleek white space simulator cluttered up with normal everyday items. More elements need to be included to make it more like a space simulator such as the partitioning seen below. As always click for larger versions.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Renders of Initial Set Design

Development of the set has started properly but first i completed some renders of the initial design. Using sunlight at the moment while without a roof. Feels very white! Click on the images for larger versions